My interpretation
First of all, really nice job! I enjoyed watching this quite a bit.
Now, for my interpretation of your dream. I don't know what stage of life you're in, but this strikes me as representing some kind of dissatisfaction with your daily routine. I'm going to assume, to start with, that you're working. This dream could easily stand for your dislike of your work. The fact that you see yourself from the outside, that you can't even really see yourself clearly, stands for your alienation from your own body. Working a job you hate day in and day out will do that to you. You start to feel as if you are not even under your own control--you are simply on autopilot, and your mind is an impartial observer. That's why you see yourself from the outside in the dream.
The running, meanwhile, is the work. You're alienated from your own body, yet the work still pains you, and you wish you could stop. However, you never get to stop because the consequences of stopping (represented by the volleyball nets) are inescapable. Dream logic can be odd, and perhaps these were "nets" that could trap you, maybe symbolic of mounting bills and debt. I'm not sure what the totem and the house stand for, but to my mind, the whole scenario represents some sort of wish fulfillment: you wish you could find a way out, a safe haven from the need to constantly prostitute yourself to your employer in order to survive.
Well, that's my interpretation, and maybe it says more about my own life experiences than it does about yours, but I figured I'd give it a shot!